Bio-Flex Home Compost
Home Compostable Bio-Flex® Grades
The new Bio-Flex® Home Compost grades have been developed for the production of thin-walled films, which are completely biodegradable in garden compost, even at low and changing temperatures. The Belgian company Vinçotte has issued the OK Compost HOME certificate for these grades
In addition, most compounds also meet the requirements of Article 75 of the French Energy Transition Law ("Loi sur la transition énergétique"), which is intended to limit the use of disposable plastic bags. Since January 2017, the use of bags in supermarkets, for e. g packing of fruit and vegetables as well as for cheese or products from the cold meats counter and fresh fish is prohibited. However, bags made from bioplastics, which are home compostable and contain a certain minimum amount of renewable raw materials are excluded from this prohibition.
The new compounds are used, in particular, for the manufacture of disposable and multi-purpose bags, bags for fruit and vegetable packing, mulching films and other packaging.
The current product range includes the following grades:
Translucent Bio-Flex® Home Compost grades
The translucent grades offer outstanding contact transparency. They are suitable for example for the packaging of goods with printed IR codes, as well as for optically attractive packaging for all types of printed materials.
Opaque Bio-Flex® Home Compost grades
The opaque grades have very good tear resistance and toughness. Pilot tests with customers have shown that the wall thickness of bags can easily be reduced down to 8 μm.
Certificates Bio-Flex® Home Compost grades
Bio-Flex® Home Compost grades are certified materials.